Meet the Artist

Hi! My name is Laura Bevis. I am a self taught artist focusing in realism. My favorite medium is pastel, but I also enjoy drawing with charcoal, colored pencils, and graphite.
Before starting my art journey, I started in Biology, earning a Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science and Biology, and a Master of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology. I am currently an adjunct Professor, teaching Biochemistry laboratory, Cell Biology laboratory, and various other courses within the Biology and Environmental Science Department. I always loved to draw as a kid, but never thought to pursue it as a career until recently. I have spent the last few years developing my drawings and I am finally at a place where I feel confident enough to sell them. Art for me has become such a great second career. Not only do I have a passion for creating, I find that I have a continued passion to learn as much as I can. I am always looking to learn new techniques and media that I can apply to my commissions and original work.
I now also have a 1 year old son who is the absolute joy of my life. You may see him from time to time featured in some of my photos. He loves to come investigate whenever I am taking product photos.
I enjoy making art that people will cherish for a lifetime. I look forward to creating a lasting memory for you 🙂